In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, the ATLAS Project participates in the response by developing and/or promoting awareness tools adapted for vulnerable populations and those living with HIV.

After participating in equipping their partners with protective equipment; in order to ensure that their exercise could continue under optimal security conditions, the ATLAS Project teams worked, in conjunction with their implementing partners, on the development and implementation of awareness actions.
In addition to the posters specifically developed, in collaboration with UNAIDS, for people living with HIV and reminding them of the particular conduct to be observed in the event of uncontrolled HIV infection, the materials published by the health authorities and visuals on the wearing of masks have been reproduced.

In Mali, the ATLAS project supports the measures of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and supports the broadcasting of awareness spots on community radio stations in French and Bambara on barrier gestures, thus making it possible to reach populations far from mass broadcasting channels. Two listeners of the free information line on COVID-19, hosted by PSI Mali’s KENEYAKO line, which already receives calls for ATLAS HIV self-test kits, are also supported by the Project to inform and orient people on the issue of coronavirus.

Prevention posters for PLWHIV and IDVOC

In Senegal, in order to increase the level of knowledge of the population, the ATLAS Project has financed and developed awareness programmes, broadcast on community radio stations in Mbour, Dakar and Ziguinchor. These weekly programmes, scheduled to be broadcast until the end of July, will systematically cover a reminder on barrier gestures and then devote forty minutes of airtime to a specific theme, accompanied by an expert to present the subject and answer listeners’ questions. While COVID-19, its modes of transmission, epidemiology and symptomatology will of course be discussed, programmes will also be devoted to vulnerabilities and prevention measures, the role of communities and continuity of care for PLWHA and vulnerable populations, the aim being to communicate accurate and accessible information in order to stop community transmissions.

Listen to the awareness messages of the Malian Ministry of Health and Social Affairs :

In French
In Bambara

Awareness-raising and prevention for COVID-19

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