Monthly evolution of the number of HIVST kits distributed by geographical area (cumulative)
Total – number of HIVST kits distributed

% of HIVST kits distributed by target population (primary contacts)
ATLAS – 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

Targeted approach
91% of kits delivered to key populations:
- Sex workers (SW), partners and clients (64,2 %)
- Men who have sex with men (MSM), women and men partners (23.9%)
- Drug users and their partners (3.3 %)
- People living with HIV partners (3.9 %)
- STI patients partners (4.7 %)
85% of kits distributed through community-based activities
Focus on secondary distribution: more than 30% of the kits were distributed by primary contacts to their peers, partners and clients.
Ivoiry Coast
Number of HIVST distributed per month and per channel

HSH = MSM ; TS = SW ; UD = DU ; Avancée = Outreach ; Fixe = Fixed ; Consultation IST = STI consultation ; Cas index = index case
Number of HIVST distributed per month and per channel

HSH = MSM ; TS = SW ; UD = DU ; Avancée = Outreach ; Fixe = Fixed ; Consultation IST = STI consultation ; Cas index = index case
Number of HIVST distributed per month and per channel