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The project
The ATLAS project, implemented by Solthis and IRD from 2018 to 2022, is a project to provide HIV self-testing kits in Côte d’Ivoire, Mali and Senegal. This complementary HIV testing strategy allows users to decide where, when and with whom they wish to be tested. HIV self-testing is an opportunity for people who do not wish to use traditional health services, especially key populations and their families who remain distant from care.
The results of the project
Nearly 400,000 HIV self-testing kits were distributed, 91% of them to key populations. More than 85% of the kits were dispensed through community-based activities and more than 30% were dispensed through secondary dispensing, i.e. people with access to a self-testing facility agreeing to take several kits to give to their peers, partners and clients. The initial results of the research indicate that more than 40% of the users of the self-test kit had never been tested.

400 000
HIV self-testing kits provided

To key populations

+ de 85%
Kits delivered through community-based activities

+ de 30%