The ATLAS Project is joining the response to COVID-19 in its three countries of operation.
?October 1st – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- The Conversation gives the floor to seven experts to answer key questions about the pandemic : A million deaths from coronavirus: seven experts consider key questions
- Le Monde looks back at the possible immunization caused by wearing a mask : Le port du masque permet-il de s’immuniser contre le Covid-19 ?
- How mapping the HIV/AIDS epidemic can help us respond to another pandemic : ICAP : How Mapping One Epidemic Can Help Us Tackle Another
- In Senegal, the President of the Republic has presented an ambitious economic recovery plan: Ce qu’il faut retenir du plan de relance de Macky Sall
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?September 28th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- RFI reports the WHO press conference on the specifics of the pandemic in Africa, especially its smaller scale : L’OMS cherche à comprendre pourquoi l’Afrique est moins touchée par le Covid-19
- In Le Monde, the point on the epidemiology after the crossing of a critical threshold : Le Covid-19 a fait au moins un million de morts dans le monde
- WHO reports on a nearly 100-year-old Guinean survivor : Overcoming COVID-19 at 99 years-old in Guinea
- The New York Times devotes a scientific analysis to the children’s pandemic, including the reasons that seem to preserve them: How Do Children Fight Off the Coronavirus?
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?September 24st – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Jeune Afrique analyzes the state of mind of African employers in the face of the pandemic : De l’optimisme éclairé des patrons africains malgré la crise du coronavirus
- The Décryptages section of Le Monde answers : 30 questions sur les tests PCR
- The BBC devotes an article to the Trois moyens de distinguer le coronavirus du paludisme
- CDC Africa Director explains : Why Africa is bucking the trend of rising cases of Covid-19
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?September 21st – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- In The Conversation France, an article looks at Ce que les Sénégalais·e·s pensent des mesures gouvernementales contre la Covid-19
- Jeune Afrique revisits WHO initiative to test the validity of traditional medicine against COVID-19: : L’OMS encourage la recherche africaine sur les médecines naturelles
- Oxfam warns about the future availability of the SARS-Cov2 virus :
- Tribune of Pr Françoise Barré Sinoussi on the multitude of information during this pandemic: Fighting the infodemia of COVID
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?September 17th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Le Monde takes stock of the masks : Conjonctivite, asthme, intoxication au CO2… Le vrai du faux des effets indésirables du masque
- Analysis of Le Point Afrique on the pandemic on the continent : L’Afrique face au Covid-19 : une situation contrastée
- The Thomson Reuters Foundation devotes an article to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s report : Pandemic makes tackling global woes more critical than ever – Bill Gates
- Reuters reports this finding from WHO : One in seven reported COVID-19 infections is among health workers – WHO
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?September 14th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Dr Serge Breysse, CEO of Solthis, publishes a column in the daily newspaper L’Opinion: : «Covid-19, effet loupe et devoir d’agir pour les acteurs de la santé mondiale».
- Tidjane Thiam, special envoy of the African Union against COVID, answers questions from RFI: Coronavirus: «Il y a un risque de récession en Afrique»
- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria publishes a report showing the successes of the past year that could be undone by the impact of the pandemic : Le Fonds mondial a sauvé 38 millions de vies dans le monde, mais la pandémie de COVID-19 pourrait anéantir les progrès réalisés
- The Gates Foundation questions the all-digital nature of COVID and its impact on the poorest : The pandemic is forcing us all online. Can self-help and savings groups for low-income women go digital, too?
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?September 10th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- France 24 interviews Pascal Boniface, Director of IRIS, on his analysis of the crisis: P. Boniface : “Sur le plan sanitaire, l’Afrique s’en est mieux sortie que l’Europe avec le Covid-19”
- The Gates Foundation profiles 7 unsung heroes of the pandemic in the response to COVID: : Gates foundation : 7 unsung heroes of the pandemic
- TV5 gives the floor to Abdoulaye Bousso, director of Le Cous in Senegal: Le Sénégal, l’un des pays qui a le mieux géré la pandémie ?
- CNN looks at the resurgence of other diseases, whose prevention and / or have been altered by COVID : In the shadow of Covid-19, silent killers re-emerge
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?September 7th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- African Union Special Envoys to COVID sign an Op-Ed for better funding of the response : Mieux financer la riposte de l’Afrique face au COVID-19 – Envoyés spéciaux de l’UA face au COVID
- Le Monde comes back to the mask, and delivers a practical guide on its correct use : Le bon port du masque, garant de son efficacité
- France 24 looks back on the launch of the survey on the global management of the COVID-19 pandemic
- USA Today praises the quality of Senegal’s response : Senegal’s quiet COVID success: Test results in 24 hours, temperature checks at every store, no fights over masks
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?September 3rd – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- In Kenya, the lockdown measures related to COVID-19 have led to an increase in sexual violence: : Kenya: recrudescence des violences sexuelles pendant le confinement
- The Conversation publishes an article stating that « La Covid-19 n’est définitivement pas une maladie pédiatrique »
- Save The Children alerts : Sub-saharan Africa: 426 children per day at risk of death from hunger following impact of covid-19
- In this period of pandemic, an analysis of the health insurance model in Senegal : Sénégal : un modèle d’assurance santé résilient en temps de Covid-19
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?August 31st – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Reuters reports on life in refugee camps in the context of the pandemic: : Locked out by COVID, refugees’ lives on hold
- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation focuses on women in developing economies who face massive job loss during the epidemic: After low-income women lose their jobs in the COVID-19 economy, what happens to them?
- Le Monde takes stock of pediatric knowledge : Avant la rentrée scolaire, que sait-on du lien entre le Covid-19 et les enfants ?
- Report of RFI in Senegal La reprise des cours en présentiel divise à l’université
And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?August 27th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Le Monde deciphers the increase in the number of infections and the stability of deaths: Covid-19 : pourquoi tant de contaminations et si peu de morts ?
- WHO, on the occasion of its regional assembly, calls for stronger health systems : Push for stronger health systems as Africa battles COVID-19
- Nature looks at the causes of increased mortality in men : Coronavirus research updates: Sex differences in the COVID-19 immune response might drive men’s high risk
- UNAIDS highlights the contribution of the AIDS response and calls for respect for human rights :Lessons learned from the HIV response – UNAIDS warns of dangers of failing to respect human rights in the response of COVID-19
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?August 24th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Le Monde is interested in the concept of “Global Health” to face the next pandemics: : L’approche « One Health », un outil pour prévenir les prochaines pandémies
- The Conversation looks at the importance of wearing a mask: Masks and protection : Masques et protection : inhaler moins de coronavirus signifie tomber moins gravement malade
- Thomson-Reuters Foundation warns of violence against girls in Africa during the pandemic : Futures destroyed: COVID-19 unleashes ‘shadow pandemics’ on Africa’s girls
- WHO and UNICEF urge African States to reopen schools: the press release in English : : WHO, UNICEF urge safe school reopening in Africa and the article in Le Monde in French :Coronavirus : l’OMS et l’Unicef plaident pour la réouverture des écoles en Afrique
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?August 20th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- An op-ed published in Le Monde warns of the social consequences : « La pandémie de Covid-19 va renforcer les disparités raciales et ethniques »
- The Conversation warns that far beyond the discovery of the vaccine, the challenge lies in its production and distribution: Creating a COVID-19 vaccine is only the first step. It’ll take years to manufacture and distribute
- StatNews takes stock of what we know and don’t know yet: Seven months later, what we know about Covid-19 — and the pressing questions that remain
- The Thomson-Reuters Foundation looks at the risks faced by COVID response personnel: Fear, rumours lead to hundreds of attacks on COVID-19 responders
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?August 17th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Twice a week, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Maliweb publishes a forum of women’s collectives: : La Covid-19 et ses impacts négatifs sur les femmes au Mali : l’Etat doit agir !
- WHO takes stock of six months of COVID19 in Africa : Africa marks six months of COVID-19
- BBC Presents Ten African Innovations to Fight Coronavirus
- Le Monde explains with an educational video how some patients become supercontaminators.
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?August 13th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Nature’s editorial looks at measures to prevent the resurgence of other pandemics : How to stop COVID-19 fuelling a resurgence of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis
- The BBC presents the different scenarios that could end the pandemic : Comment une pandémie de Covid-19 pourrait-elle prendre fin?
- Le Monde presents the state of the pandemic in the world: Coronavirus : reconfinement, interdiction de fumer, rentrée retardée… nouvelles mesures sanitaires dans le monde
- Presentation of a podcast, hosted by Soro Solo, broadcast in six African countries and raising awareness about COVID: Podcast « Covid-19, c’est quoi même ? » : l’émission décalée sur la pandémie en Afrique.
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?August 10th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- WHO warns of lack of funds to fight coronavirus : Huge shortfall in funds to fight coronavirus, WHO says
- The BBC questions the state of the pandemic fight : Is the world winning the pandemic fight?
- TV5 Monde devotes a major report to the fight against the coronavirus in Africa : Covid-19 : chroniques d’une pandémie en Afrique
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?August 6th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- France 24 presents the various existing screening tests and their mode of operation: PCR, TDR, Elisa… Quels sont les tests de dépistage du Covid-19 ?
- The New York Times reviews the impact of COVID19 on other pandemics: ‘The Biggest Monster’ Is Spreading. And It’s Not the Coronavirus.
- Review of an article published by the Global Fund in July, presenting the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on other epidemics, and based on the study: COVID-19 Country Monitoring Tool : DISRUPTIONS IN HIV, TB AND MALARIA PROGRAMS DUE TO COVID-19
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?July 10th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Courrier International shares an article from the Daily Telegraph which worries about the consequences of the pandemic: : La famine engendrée par la pandémie pourrait tuer davantage que le virus lui-même
- As the 23rd World Conference on HIV takes place, the UN alerts : La pandémie de Covid-19 menace la lutte contre le VIH-Sida
- The BBC looks back at news processing during this period: Coronavirus en Afrique : lutter contre une pandémie de ‘fausse information’
- Faced with the sharp increase in cases in Africa, a reminder from Reuters on the importance of testing : Africa urged to test more as coronavirus cases exceed 500
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?July 8th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- The BBC reports on the high spread of cases in Africa: Coronavirus : Coronavirus : À quelle vitesse se propage-t-il en Afrique ?
- The Thomson Reuters Foundation devotes several articles to the impact of COVID-19 on the fight against AIDS, including : Faltering AIDS battle risks 10-year setback from COVID-19, UN warns
- Report from Le Monde Afrique in Dakar on the impact of COVID-19 on sex workers : Dakar, le coronavirus se glisse aussi dans les maisons closes
- And finally, Winnie Byanyima’s appeal in The Guardian : Don’t repeat mistakes of 1980s HIV crisis with Covid-19 response, UNAids warns
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?July 6th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Le Monde looks back at the involvement of patients and associations in the crisis (FR) : « La crise due au coronavirus a révélé le faible rôle reconnu aux patients et à leurs associations »
- The Conversation looks at the impact of the pandemic (FR): Médicaments : la pandémie de Covid-19 remet en question le droit de la propriété intellectuelle
- Equilibre et Populations presents a survey on women’s rights and health in the face of COVID 19 (FR): interview on RFI and the online report
- Nature takes stock of scientific knowledge (EN) : Six months of coronavirus: the mysteries scientists are still racing to solve
- BBC analyses the impact of restricting Hajj to Saudi residents (FR) : Coronavirus : l’industrie du Hajj dans la tourmente au Sénégal
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?July 1st – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- RFI is interested rare récit de la pandémie vue depuis Wuhan, de l’écrivaine Fang Fang (FR)
- Two articles return to the impact of COVID-19 for people living with HIV:
- A Jeffrey Sachs Tribune on the Impact of Inequality on Mortality : How Inequality Fuels COVID-19 Deaths (EN)
- Le Monde looks back at the characteristics of the epidemic in Africa (FR) : Diffusion plus lente, mortalité bien plus faible, en Afrique, le coronavirus joue une partition singulière
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 29th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Le Monde decrypts (FR) : Qu’est-ce que le « R0 », le taux de reproduction du virus ?
- The New York Times looks back at the beginnings of the epidemic (EN) : How the world missed COVID-19’s silent spread
- New York Times report on the impact of the pandemic on the emerging middle classes (EN): Coronavirus Is Battering Africa’s Growing Middle Class
- RFI devotes a report to continuity of care (FR) : En Sierra Leone, la désertion des consultations médicales inquiète
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 26th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- On France 24, report (FR) : Trafic de drogues : l’ONU alerte sur l’impact du Covid-19 sur les populations fragiles
- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis Alerts (EN) : Deaths from HIV, TB and Malaria Could Almost Double in 12 Months Unless Urgent Action is Taken
- In Côte d’Ivoire, Agence Ivoirienne de Presse report (FR) : Ces femmes sans salaire, entre difficultés et projets recalés
- And a Thomson Reuters Foundation report on women’s community involvement (EN) : Africa’s unsung army of women wage war on COVID-19
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 24th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- Jeune Afrique analyses the epidemiology and prospects for the continent (FR): Une explosion des contaminations est-elle possible en Afrique ?
- The BBC, as part of the series, Living with COVID, questions social distancing in the African context (FR) : Distanciation sociale, est-ce vraiment possible en Afrique ?
- Reproductive health in question given the impact of COVID-19 on health systems:
- ID4D (FR) : La crise du COVID-19 aggrave les menaces sur la santé reproductive des femmes
- Thomson reuters foundation (EN) : Women, babies at risk as COVID-19 disrupts health services, World Bank warns
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 22nd – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- Le Monde Afrique article on the adaptation of the LGBT community in the context of COVID-19 (FR) : En République démocratique du Congo, la communauté LGBT plus que jamais 2.0
- Pour Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, le Covid-19 montre que nous n’avons rien appris de la crise du VIH-sida (FR)
- Transversal, edited by Sidaction, focuses on associations on the continent (FR): COVID-19 en Afrique : la lutte contre le VIH s’adapte
- BBC asks about a possible second wave (EN) : What is a second wave and is one coming?
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 19th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- A Gates Foundation op-ed published in le Soleil (FR) : L’Afrique face à la COVID-19, un continent méconnu – Solomon Zewdu, Directeur adjoint du Programme de Développement mondial pour l’Éthiopie et l’Afrique, Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates
- A WHO article on the status of women and girls in the context of COVID (EN) : WHO concerned over COVID-19 impact on women, girls in Africa
- Focus on the radio show produced by CFI and RAES (FR): Covid-19 – C’est quoi même ?
- And a BBC report on South Africa where violence against women is exploding (EN) : South Africa’s battle to protect women against violence
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 17th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- A New York Times survey on the impact of controlling COVID-19 on other diseases (EN) : Slowing the Coronavirus Is Speeding the Spread of Other Diseases Coronavirus Accelerates Across Africa
- A WHO fact sheet on 10 self-care actions to protect and improve sexual and reproductive health (EN) : WHO : Self care during COVID-19
- An Open Society Foundation article (EN) : 10 Lessons from HIV for the COVID-19 Response
- A report from Le Monde Afrique on the P3 laboratory in Mali (FR) : le « P3 » de Bamako, un labo au cœur de la bataille contre le Covid-19
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 15th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- An article Point Afrique on the engagement of States in the response (FR) : Covid-19, le retour de l’État en Afrique ?
- An article on Morocco’s support to sub-Saharan countries (FR) : Le Maroc joue la « diplomatie du masque » vers l’Afrique subsaharienne
- WHO underlines the sharp increase in cases in Africa (FR) : Avec 200 000 cas, l’OMS s’inquiète de la progression de l’épidémie en Afrique
- And finally an article by the Thomson Reuters Foundation on the increase in violence in South African townships following deconfinement (EN) : Coronavirus exposes ‘brutal inequality’ of S.Africa townships
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 12th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- A dossier of Le Soleil in Senegal, in three parts, with here the link to the first article (FR) : DOSSIER-NON RESPECT DES MESURES BARRIERES: Les symptômes du déni de la maladie à coronavirus
- The interview of Peter Piot, Director of the LSHTM and former Executive director of UNAIDS, co-discoverer of Ebola, in Le Monde (FR) : Peter Piot : « Il faut impliquer les personnes touchées dans la réponse à cette maladie »
- Involving football stars in the response (FR) : Des stars du football africain sensibilisent au coronavirus sur les réseaux sociaux
- And finally an article in the Financial Times (EN) : How to avoid the virus as the world reopens
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 10th – News update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- An analysis published in Le Point (FR) : Après-Covid-19 : une occasion historique de réinventer le développement de l’Afrique
- A study reveals women’s vulnerability (FR): La COVID-19 accroît la vulnérabilité des femmes (Etudes)
- The interview of Pr Delfraissy (FR) : « il faut sortir de cette crise avec une vision renouvelée de la démocratie sanitaire » et les éventuels liens avec la lutte contre le VIH
- The article published on Global Fund website highlights vulnerability of sex workers in Africa (EN) : Sex Workers in Africa Are More Vulnerable During COVID-19
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 8th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- UNAIDS feature story: Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on key populations (EN)
- RFI’s Eco d’ici Eco d’ailleurs (FR) : Après le Covid-19, une tragédie économique africaine
- Le Monde article (FR) : Sciences : l’Afrique, un laboratoire en devenir
- On Project Syndicate, in English and French : Education is crucial to Africa’s COVID 19 response
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 5th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- An analysis by Jeune Afrique on a forthcoming WAEMU report (FR) : Quel impact sur les entreprises ouest-africaines ?
- A report by the daily Le Soleil on the last-minute cancellation of the resumption of classes in Senegal (FR) : REPORTAGE I Lycée Limamou Laye, le report de la reprise des cours divise
- The Conversation article (FR) : Comment la jeunesse de sa population peut expliquer le faible nombre de morts du Covid-19 en Afrique
- And a Thomson Reuters Foundation article on the plight of sex workers in Africa during the COVID era (EN) : ‘Hunger or murder’: Lockdown poverty exposes African sex workers to more violence
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 3rd – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- A New York Times article in Senegal : Coronavirus Infects Famed Research Lab Working on At-Home Test
- Le Monde’s article on the survey conducted by OpinionWay and 35°Nord : Pénuries, faim et pauvreté : les Africains inquiets des conséquences du coronavirus
- TV5 Monde report : Afrique : les données Covid-19 en pointe sur les plateformes web
- In Jeune Afrique, Nigerien President Mahamadou Issoufou’s column on the consequences of the epidemic in the security context : le coronavirus, un cercle vicieux de souffrances au Sahel
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?June 2nd – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- RFI Survey on Media Investment in Awareness Raising (FR) : Des initiatives médiatiques en Afrique pour sensibiliser aux dangers du Covid-19
- France 24 survey (FR) : Coronavirus, le défi africain : enquête sur l’évolution de la pandémie sur le continent
- Le Point Afrique survey (FR) : Comment la fermeture des frontières a limité la propagation du Covid-19
- Reuters devotes an article to the community spread of the virus (EN) : Africa hit by sustained community spread of coronavirus – disease centre
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 26th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- OnFrance 24 (FR), Un grand concert virtuel réunit les stars de la musique africaine
- On RFI, on the occasion of World Africa Day : 10 initiatives africaines face au coronavirus (FR)
- A Thomson Reuters foundation article (EN) : No medicine, no food: Coronavirus restrictions amplify health risks to LGBT+ people with HIV
- And finally, a look back at an article published in Le Monde on 22 May last week (FR) : « Le coronavirus n’est pas une maladie honteuse » : la stigmatisation ralentit la lutte contre la pandémie en Afrique
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 20th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- Interview with Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary General on RFI (FR): un vaccin contre le Covid-19 devra être «un bien public global»
- A Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on the HIV Epidemic (EN) : Estimation of the Potential Impact of COVID-19 Responses on the HIV Epidemic: Analysis using the Goals Model
- A BBC report (EN) : Coronavirus in Africa: Contained or unrecorded?
- And as part of Le Monde series “Africa has ideas”(FR) : Reportage : Du robot pulvérisateur au respirateur artificiel, le DoniFab s’active contre le Covid-19 au Mali
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 19th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- An article on Virus, a series broadcast on television in Senegal (FR) : «Le Virus»: une mini-série au Sénégal pour divertir et faire de la prévention
- An article on the contributions of African “tech” to the COVID response : La tech africaine pleinement engagée dans la lutte contre le Covid-19
- An interview in Le Monde with Dr. Ibrahima Socé-Fall, Emergency Response Officer at the World Health Organization (FR) : « L’Afrique est de plus en plus atteinte par le coronavirus : les nouveaux cas et les décès augmentent rapidement »
- And an article from New Humanitarian (EN) : African countries struggle to find the coronavirus test kits they need
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 18th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- Africa’s epidemic hotspots, by the New York Times (EN) :Covid-19 Outbreak in Nigeria Is Just One of Africa’s Alarming Hot Spots
- Le Monde report on the continued care of people living with HIV in Senegal (FR) :Le Sénégal se mobilise pour protéger les personnes atteintes du sida
- An article by RFI on institutional mobilization in Africa (FR) : La riposte des institutions africaines
- A study conducted by the WHO Africa office, published by the British Medical Journal (EN): The potential effects of widespread community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the WHO African Region: a predictive model
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 15th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today’s focus is on two key resources to help healthcare professionals meet the challenges posed by the pandemic:
- COVID19 : Tools for Community Engagement West and Central Africa: a site listing many advocacy tools developed in response to Covid-19 (EN and FR)
- Responding to COVID-19 : An application developed by WHO to enable health professionals to access all WHO COVID-19 recommendations, tools and training (EN)
- And also :
- On TV5 Monde (FR), Témoignage : le combat d’une docteure à Abidjan
- A Monde Afrique article (FR) : En Afrique, le coronavirus fait les affaires des plates-formes de livraison à domicile
- One HIV actor thoughts (EN) : What AIDS Taught Us About Fighting Pandemics
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 14th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- An analysis published in The Humatarian, What West Africa’s resilience can teach the world about COVID-19 (EN)
- In le Monde, portraits of Ces onze Africains qui tiennent en joue le coronavirus (FR)
- An interview on RFIof senegalese philosopher Souleymane Bachir Diagne (FR) : Le ramadan face au Covid-19: «une expérience singulière»
- On Maliweb, the advocacy of the NGO Santé Diabète for (FR) une prise en charge optimale du diabète comme moyen de prévenir les complications liées au COVID-19
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 13th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Todays focus on :
- Dr Denis Mukwege interview on TV5 (FR) : face au coronavirus, “l’Afrique a pris les mesures qu’il fallait”
- Le Point Afrique analysis of the easing of measures in many african countries (FR) : Afrique : un retour à la normale risqué
- An analysis published in Conservation France (FR) : Sauver l’économie informelle face au Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
- A Thomson Reuters Foundation article (EN) : One in three gay men feel unsafe at home during coronavirus
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 12th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Le Monde article following the UN’s call for an increase in AIDS-related deaths in Africa (FR) : En Afrique subsaharienne, le nombre de morts du sida menace de doubler à cause du coronavirus
- L’Essor article, in Mali (FR) : Qu’en est-il de la prise en charge des autres maladies?
- Tony Blair Institute’s Kate Dooley’s column in Jeune Afrique (FR) : En Afrique, la bataille contre le coronavirus ne fait que commencer – Kate Dooley
- Interactive Pandemic Infographics by “Information is beautiful”(EN) : Information is beautiful datas
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 11th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Le Monde report in Abidjan on the difficulties of the informal sector (FR) : A Abidjan, la banqueroute des patrons de l’informel
- A BBC Afrique article (FR) :La lutte contre le coronavirus par l’Afrique avec des moyens africains
- A New York Times report in South Africa on the impact of the tobacco and alcohol sales ban : Taking on Covid-19, South Africa Goes After Cigarettes and Booze, Too
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 8th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- RFI’s program (FR) “Alors on dit quoi” de RFI : Concilier le ramadan et les mesures de restrictions liées au Covid-19
- The “Journal de l’Afrique” of France 24 gives an update on the pandemic on the continent (FR) : La lente progression du COVID-19 en Afrique : fiction ou réalité ?
- An analysis of the complex issues related to the informal economy in the context of the pandemic (FR) : Covid-19 : l’Afrique de l’Ouest à l’assaut de l’économie informelle
- A publication from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on identified risk factors for COVID-19: Risk factors for COVID-19 death revealed in world’s largest analysis of patient records to date (EN)
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 7th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on:
- An op-ed in Le Monde (FR) : « En Europe comme en Afrique, la société civile doit investir le champ politique »
- 5 previous Health Ministers Op-ed in Jeune Afrique (FR): Coronavirus : les leçons africaines
- A debate on RFI (FR) : L’Afrique peut-elle sortir plus forte de la crise?
- Testimony in Le Soleil (FR): Ibrahima Diop, guéri du Covid-19 : « Je continue à être victime de stigmatisation »
- Virus exposes gaping holes in Africa’s health systems, Reuters (EN)
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 6th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Priorité Santé : Continuer de soigner les autres pathologies (FR)
- Traitement du Covid-19 en Afrique (FR): alert of 13 African, European and American doctors to take into consideration the therapeutic impact of COVID treatment on other pathologies.
- An article from Le Monde based on a report available for downloading : Face au coronavirus, les Etats africains appelés à adapter leurs mesures aux plus vulnérables. Article in french but report in english
- The surprising images of the World seen from the sky in times of confinement : Le COVID-19 vu du ciel –
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 5th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Replay of Le Monde debates (FR) : « Afrique : le jour d’après » : watch the first web debate of Monde Afrique « la santé d’abord ! »
- A reminder (FR) from RFI on Diabete and Covid-19 : programme de prévention au Mali et au Burkina
- TV5 Monde report in Sénégal (FR) : Face au coronavirus, le Sénégal évite le confinement et opte pour la chloroquine
- Africa’s coronavirus safety nets cannot cover all, an article from The New Humanitarian (EN)
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?May 4th – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Today focus on :
- Le Monde Afrique’s article on Rwanda, where containment is speeding up the delivery of medicines by drone (FR) : Au Rwanda, le confinement accélère la livraison de médicaments par drones
- Priorité Santé : coronavirus en Afrique on RFI radio (FR)
- Le Monde article (FR) : Au Mali, l’effondrement des transferts d’argent de la diaspora frappe durement les populations
- A BBC report (FR) : Qui sont les champions africains des tests de Covid-19?
- The Op-Ed (EN) “The HIV response provides a blueprint to tackle Covid-19 – we must harness the power of community” in The Telegraph
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?April 30 – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- A report from RFI (FR): Coronavirus : la vie au ralenti à Dakar
- Le Monde (FR) article : Où se procurer un masque « grand public » ? Combien de temps le porter ?… Nos réponses à vos questions
- Op-Ed of Boni Yayi, former President of the Republic of Benin (FR) :« Il faut une émission en urgence de droits de tirages spéciaux par le FMI en faveur de l’Afrique »
- A New York Times analysis (EN) : Millions Had Risen Out of Poverty. Coronavirus Is Pulling Them Back
- Focus on remdesivir:
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?April 29 – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
Todays focus is on
- Financial Times article (EN) : Low Covid-19 death toll raises hopes Africa may be spared worst
- Valéry Ridde and Mame-Penda Ba’s analysis (FR) : La pandémie du COVID-19 vue d’Afrique
- Tidjane Thiam interview on TV5 (FR) : L’Afrique est frappée au moment où les choses commençaient à décoller
- Wole Soyinka Op-ED (FR) : lettre ouverte aux gouvernants africains au temps du Covid-19
- And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?April 28 – Daily update #Covid19
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false. Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic.
- Six propositions pour une réponse africaine créative au Covid-19 (FR) by Christian Nouboue
- A BBC report from Côte d’Ivoire (FR) : le grand marché d’Adjamé à l’heure du Covid-19
- An article in Le Monde Afrique on the impact of economic confinement (FR): Emeutes au Nigeria, manifestations au Burkina Faso : l’Afrique veut d’urgence reprendre le travail
- A Thomson Reuters Foundation report on Senegalese street children: Senegal groups get homeless children off streets amid coronavirus (EN)
- And always to follow the epidemiology:
?April 27 – Daily update #Covid19
Today’s focus is on:
? London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Alert on the Need to Maintain Routine Vaccinations
?Priorité santé (FR): Enfants et confinement – questions et témoignages
?In Jeune Afrique (FR), Les grandes figures de la riposte au coronavirus en Afrique
?Gilles Yabi interview and his thoughs (FR): De la pyramide des âges et des priorités de santé publique en Afrique
?Reportage by Le monde Afrique (FR): Because of the coronavirus, “we will die of hunger or of blows”: Ivorian women testify
And in light of Saturday’s World Malaria Day, a special feature (FR):
? Paludisme : le Covid-19 fait craindre une recrudescence des cas en Afrique
And always to keep up with the epidemiology :
?April 22 – Daily update #Covid19
- Todays focus is on :
- A UN resource centre for Africa: Africa UN knowledge Hub for COVID-19 (EN)
- Le Monde Afrique report in Côte d’Ivoire (FR): “Silence…action!” When Ivorian teachers resume classes face to face with the camera…
- The interview in Le Soleil of the Director of COUS (Senegal’s emergency health operations centre), Dr Bousso (FR) : Nous sommes à un tournant de l’épidémie.
- The replay of Priorité Santé on RFI (FR): Covid-19 and co-morbidities in tropical environments
- And always to follow the epidemiology:
?April 21 – Daily update #Covid19
Today’s focus is on:
- MTV Shuga, our partner in Ivory Coast, is launching a mini-series on containment: #MTVShugaAlonetogether
- Le Monde newspaper report, at the CHU of Tengandogo in Ouagadougou (in French)
- How to improve social communication in Senegal? according to The Conversation (in French)
- In English, on the pandemic situation in Africa: How do we explain the low Covid-19 caseload in Africa (so far)?
- And still to follow the epidemiology:
? April 20 – Daily update #Covid19
Today, focus on the protection of vulnerable populations with :
- dossier: Harm reduction in the age of Covid-19 (in french)
- UN call to protect LGBTQ people
And still on the pandemic situation in Africa:
- L’Afrique face à la pandémie le 19 avril
- Priorité Santé : Coronavirus en Afrique
- « On peut encore changer la physionomie de cette épidémie en Afrique », assure l’OMS
- Dépistage du COVID-19 : L’Union africaine (UA) va distribuer un million de tests
And always, to follow the epidemiology: with (free version)
Our partners have developed and deployed awareness-raising visuals to inform the general public on how to deal with coronaviruses:
Côte d’Ivoire
Protect yourself and others
? April 17 – Daily update #Covid19
Today, focus on :
Africa’s preparedness and response to the COVID-19 pandemic with an interview with Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa (in English)
RFI update on Africa’s response to Coronavirus (in French)
Thomson Reuters Foundation devotes an article to the situation of LGBTQ people in Africa who are discriminated under the guise of coronavirus (in English)
Testimonies of five people cured of coronavirus infection, collected by the BBC (in French)
And always, to follow the epidemiology: with (free version)
? April 16 – Daily update #Covid19.
Today, focus on (in French) :
?Le Senegal, where the response is now showing a cure rate of nearly 60% for 2 deaths
?La France, where the renunciation of care is taking on worrying proportions in the context of the epidemic,
And to follow the epidemiology:
?Daily news #Covid19.
In the context of the Coronavirus epidemic, a lot of information is circulating and it is sometimes difficult to extract the true from the false.
Every day, we offer you a selection of links allowing you to have access to reliable information on the evolution of the pandemic – mostly in french.
?Any questions about COVID-19? Developed by the Solthis teams, by compiling existing resources and contributing our expertise, download our FAQs in French and English on COVID-19
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